Automate Your Compliance

Effortless Compliance Management

Intersect replaces tedious manual compliance tasks with sleek, automated processes that make compliance management a breeze.
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Free 14-day trial. No credit card required.
Save time with simpler compliance

Third-party integrations and compliance workflow automations replace hours of paperwork, manual data capturing and chasing documents.

Reduce costs of data replication

Say goodbye to finger errors and costly data replication. Intersect imports data and documentation directly from your company systems and regulatory organisations.

Accelerate your compliance processes

The technology that powers Intersect allows you to streamline your compliance management processes – the ultimate efficiency, at a fraction of the cost.

Say Goodbye to Data Replication

Intersect uses over 70 workflow automations to make company compliance management simpler, and less costly.
All your documents stored online

All your documents stored online

Replace manual filing with software that automatically generates company documents for you – and then categorises and stores them in a secure document hub for you.

One-click reports and data capturing

Intersect makes tedious Excel spreadsheets and manual reporting a thing of the past by using intergrated company data to generate flawless reports, fast.
One click reports and data capturing
Easy accounting payroll integration

Easy accounting & payroll integration

Intersectʼs seamless integration with accounting and payroll software saves both time and money – and ensures data accuracy.

Reminders and
scheduled alerts

Intersect has been designed to coordinate deadlines and reminders, providing alerts and action items as and when compliance management tasks are due.
Reminders and scheduled alerts
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Automate Time-consuming Compliance Tasks

Intersect removes the burden of repetitive, time-wasting compliance by centralising your data and automating your tasks.
Easy Company Onboarding

Create your Intersect dashboards and import company data in a heartbeat with a simple onboarding process and easy accounting and payroll system integrations.

Fast Employee Reporting

Intersect automatically imports, generates and saves your payroll information to a secure online hub, and enables you to create detailed workforce reports, in minutes.

Paperless Company Secretarial

Intersect helps to effortlessly calculate public interest scores, view the company register, and add or change directors, company secretaries and auditors, digitally.

Employee Payroll Dashboard

Simply sync with your payroll software to have the latest employee details, contract information, and payslips on one dashboard, including B-BBEE data.

Free 14-day trial. No credit card required.
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Don't Waste Another Minute
On Unnecessary Compliance Admin

It’s time to quit doing all the admin and get back to growing your bottom line. Digitise, centralise and streamline your compliance with Intersect.
Free 14-day trial. No credit card required.
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